Hernia Operation...

A hole or defect in the wall muscle of the abdomen which contains the abdominal organs is known as hernia. The defect can be acquired or congenital. 

The hole or muscle puts pressure on the abdomen which pushes the abdominal organs and surrounding tissues through the hole. 

Hernia can be acquired from an acute or repetitive muscle stress or strain or it can be a congenital defect in the muscle. 

Anyone can get the disease - male or female, young or old, fit or unfit. 

There are some factors that increase the risk of a person getting hernia like lifting heavy weights, chronic coughs, obesity, straining during bowel movements or urinating, pregnancy, persistent sneezing during allergies and poor muscle tone. Hernia can lead to complications. 

Under these possible circumstances there may be the requirement of prolonged medication, or minor and thereafter, major surgeries. But, now-a-days a hernia surgery does not require more than one day of stay at the hospital and the surgery is usually completed within one hour. So, a simple operation is carried out to cure it. Most of the hernia operations in India can be performed easily by qualified and efficient surgeons. 

They are carried out using the keyhole surgery technique. Hernia operations in India are among the best in the world. 

The facilities combined with the quality of the surgeons who perform the surgeries make India a preferred destination to undergo hernia surgery. Hernia operations in India cater to the needs of the patients at minimum extra cost. 

There has been a growth in medical tourism and this has led to growth in minimal invasive surgery like hernia surgery. 

The facilities in the private hospitals and nursing homes and clinics for hernia operations in India are among the best in the world. 

Compared to many other western countries private facilities are better for hernia operations in India. 

Private hospitals provide better care and medical treatment than government run hospitals. Advanced technology and high quality procedures are followed. The diagnosis and medication for hernia operations in India are also among the best in the world. It is not always that you will require a surgery. This reason has led to patients from many countries requiring hernia surgeries flock to India. If you require a surgery then the facilities are also good and within your easy monetary reach.